CBCG Cooperation with Other State Authorities and Organisations
According to the Central Bank of Montenegro Law, the Central Bank may, in pursuing the established objectives and without prejudice to its autonomy and independence, cooperate with the Government and other government bodies and organisations, and take any actions within its competence to promote this cooperation.
The Government submits to the Central Bank, upon request, data and information necessary for the achievement of objectives and the exercising of functions of the Central Bank.
The Central bank may give economic policy recommendations to the Government.
The recommendations are published at the Central Bank’s website.
The Central Bank submits to the Government, upon request, data and information related to the pursuance of the objectives and the exercise of the functions of the Central Bank, when this does not challenge its autonomy and independence, except data and information regarding the entities subject to the Central Bank supervision and/or obligation of secrecy in accordance with the law.
The Government consults the Central Bank on any draft law concerning the financial system and affecting the pursuance of objectives and the exercise of functions of the Central Bank and which shall be subject to the Central Bank opinion, before it is submitted to the Parliament. The Government shall submit to the Parliament the opinion of the Central Bank together with the proposal of the law.
The Central Bank submits the adopted financial plan to the Government and the Parliament for information purposes (Article 71 of the Law).