Milena Vučinić, Radoica LuburićArtificial Intelligence, Fintech and Challenges to Central BanksMohammad Abul KashemImpact of Exchange Rate Regime Change on Bangladesh RMG Exports to the USA and the EUAndré Arnaud EngueneMinimum Capital Requirements for Banks and the Financing of the Economies of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central AfricaMuhammad Azam, Zulfiqar Khan, Yusnidah IbrahimAnalyzing the Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on Income Distribution in Central Asian EconomiesSerhii Savluk, Olena BrehedaDeposit Channel of Monetary Policy in European CountriesAyoub RabhiTo What Extent Does Central Bank Independence Alleviate Poverty in Developing Countries?Sabbor Hussain, Jo-Hui Chen, Talib HussainDecision-Making Framework for Improving Bank Performance in Emerging Markets: The Analysis of AHP-TOPSIS and AHP-GRA ModelsDurmuş Çağrı Yıldırım, Ömer Esen, Uğur ÇınarDoes an Independent Central Bank Smooth Exchange Rate Volatility? Evidence from Time-Varying Panel Causality AnalysisCeyhun Elgin, Oğuz ÖztunalıCentral Bank Independence and Inflation Under Asymmetric Information: Delegation vs. Seesaw Effects
Saeed Sazzad Jeris, Omar Bari Md. Ibrahim, Ferdous Ahmed Chowdhury, Humaira BegumTransparency in Central Bank and Credit Expansion: Empirical Evidence from Asian Countries
Natalia Koshel, John ThanassoulisThe Green Central Bank IndexBilgehan TekinStructural Breaks and Co-Movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic PeriodImad A. Moosa, Khalid Al-Saad, Ibrahim N. KhatatbehThe Quantity Theory of Money, Quantitative Easing and the Missing Inflation PhenomenonRami ObeidThe Side Effects of Macroprudential Policies on Economic Performance in the Arab RegionVera GojčajAnalysis of the Transparency Index of the Central Banks of the Western Balkan CountriesKhalil Ullah Mohammad, Mohsin Raza KhanLiquid Asset Holdings and Banking Profitability: Evidence from South AsiaMarcin PietrzakNon-Ricardian Borrowers and Mortgage Type: Implications for Monetary Policy Leaning against the WindEdo Duran, Zoran Grubisic, Milena LazicVolatility Spillover: Garch Analysis of S&P 500’s Influence on Precious MetalsRitesh Patel, Anand Kumar Mishra, Muhammad Zubair Chishti, Tejas M. ModiRelationship Between Internet Banking Service Quality, e-Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty: A Comparative Study of India and Pakistan
Oksana V. Portna, Natalia Yu. Iershova, Andrii A. GrytsenkoSocial Responsibility of the Financial Sector in the Information and Network Economy: The Example of Systemically Important Banks in Ukraine and Comparison With Banks in Other Countries of the World
Damià Rey Miró, Pedro Piffaut, Ricardo Palomo ZurdoDo Financial Markets Allow the Independence of Central Banks?Nikola FabrisMonetary Policy Between Stability and GrowthVanessa Kämpf, Georg Stadtmann, Lilli ZimmermannSwiss National Bank: Is the Recent Loss a Threat to Monetary Policy? A Research NoteSky Guo, Joseph Kreitem, Thomas MoserDLT Options for CBDCBengü Tosun, Selim BaşarFinancial Fragility in Developing Countries: An Analysis in the Context of Monetary Policy and Central Bank IndependenceFadi Fawaz, Masha RahnamamoghadamA Refinement of the Relationship Between Central Bank Independence, Inflation, and Income Inequality in Developing CountriesPeterson K. Ozili, Sergio Luis Náñez AlonsoCentral Bank Digital Currency Adoption Challenges, Solutions, and a Sentiment AnalysisZoran Mastilo, Anđelka Štilić , Dejan Gligović, Adis PuškaAssessing the Banking Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Analysis of Financial Indicators through the MEREC and MARCOS MethodsNemanja Backović, Miomir Jakšić, Bojan IlićThe Impact of Energy on Climate and Economic Stability: Forecast for Serbia
Piotr Szczerba, Anna Wojtyniak, Joanna Niedźwiedzińska, Wojciech BogdanowiczMonetary Policy Press Releases of 24 Inflation Targeting Central Banks – A Comparison of their Key Features and Complexity
Kyle D. Allen, Scott E. HeinUnusual Changes in the U.S. Treasury Security Market During the Fourth Round of Quantitative EasingTijana Kaličanin, Zoran Grubišić, Sandra KamenkovićThe Relationship Between Bank Concentration and Interest RatesMelik KAMIŞLI, Mustafa ÖZER, Özlem SAYILIR, Patrice Racine DIALLOTime Scales Based Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Related Economic Support on the Stock Markets in Emerging MarketsAmina Haoudi, Ali Bennagem TouatiCentral Bank Independence: The Case of North African Central BanksBorivoje D. KruškovićEconometric VAR Analysis of the Effect of the Foreign Exchange Reserves on Macroeconomic Variables in Emerging Countries: The Case of BRIC CountriesAreghan Isibor, Alexander Omankhanlen, Benjamin Ehikioya, Godswill Osuma, Adenike Oladipo, Adedoyin Bunmi-Alo, Kikiyanu AjalaadebowaleAchieving Sustainable Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries Using the Tool of Monetary Policy EffectivenessZulfiqar Khan, Muhammad Azam KhanThe Effect of Monetary Policy on Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Asian and African Developing EconomiesPradip Kumar KafleReputation Lasts Longer Than Life: How can Central Banks Quantify their Reputational Risk?Lukas PfeiferThe New Era of Capital Regulation Complexity
Guillermo PeñaRaising Interest Rates for Improving Income
Milena Vučinić, Radoica LuburićProject Management in Central Banks
Draško Veselinovič, Janez Fabijan, Jaka VadnjalDoes Credit Growth in the EMU Banking Sector Follow its Capital Adequacy?
Constantinos Kyriakopoulos, Alexandros Koulis, Gerasimos VarvounisImportance of the Contingent Claims Analysis in Detecting Banking Risks: Evidence from the Greek Bank Crisis
Soraya BEN SOUISSI, Mahmoud Sami NABICould the Issuance of CBDC Reduce the Likelihood of Banking Panic?
Ilona Skibińska-FabrowskaDemand for Cash and its Determinants - a Post-Crisis Approach
Muhammad Aftab, Ahsan MehmoodDoes Central Bank Transparency Deter the Exchange Rate Volatility? New Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets
Mehmed GanićCan Credit Related Macroprudential Instruments Be Effective in Reducing the Correlation Between Economic and Credit Growth? Cross-Country Evidence
Vesna MartinGreen Finance: Regulation and Instruments
Guizhou Wang, Kjell HauskenModeling which Factors Impact Interest Rates
Martha Cruz Zuniga, Dawit SenbetDoes the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Depend on the Choice of Policy Instrument? Empirical Evidence from South Korea
Mustafa Özer, Zoran Grubišić, Sevilay Küçüksakarya
Effects of Exchange Rate, Output Gap, and Output Gap Volatility on Inflation Volatility in TurkeyNikola Fabris, Milutin Ješić
Are Gold and Bitcoin a Safe Haven for European Indices?Milorad Jovović, Nikola Mišnić, Bojan Pejović, Marija Mijušković
Customer Satisfaction and Switching Intentions of Banking Services End-Users in MontenegroMuhammad Azam Khan
Does Monetary Policy Solely Correct Disequilibrium in the Balance of Payment? Evidence From the Developing WorldAhmet Faruk Aysan, Dilek Demirbas, Mustafa Disli, Monica Shirley Chaparro Parra
Resilience and Path Dependency: Income Distribution Effects of GDP in ColombiaEmna Trabelsi
Does Fiscal Transparency Matter for Bank Development? A Lookup on Emerging and Developing CountriesRajko Tomaš
Sustainability of the Currency Board in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Conditions of a Negative Interest Rate on the Reserve CurrencyRetselisitsoe I. Thamae, Nicholas M. Odhiambo, John M. Khumalo
Bank Regulation in the Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries: Dynamics and TrendsDurmus Cagri Yildirim, Tugba Turan
Revisiting of Interest Rate Channel: Nonlinear transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks to the Turkish EconomyMesut Doğan, Feyyaz Yildiz
Testing the Factors that Determine the Profitability of Banks with a Dynamic Approach: Evidence from TurkeySerdar Ongan, Ismet Gocer
Money Supply Determination Process for Japan
Magdalena Kozińska CEE EU Central Banks’ Policy during the First Wave of COVID-19
Jonne Lehtimäki, Marianne PalmuWho Should You Listen to in a Crisis? Differences in Communication of Central Bank Policymakers
Muhammad Azam, Rasheed Khan, Saleem KhanDoes the Phillips Curve Exist? Evidence from the Middle East and North African Countries
Inda MulaahmetovićQuantitative Easing and Macroeconomic Performance in the United States
Shoaib Khan Determinants of Banks Profitability: An Evidence from GCC Countries
Željko Jović, Milena Lutovac Đaković Interbank Network as a Channel of Credit Contagion in Banks: Is Moral Hazard Transferable?
Patryk Kaczmarek
Central Bank Digital Currency: Scenarios of Implementation and Potential Consequences for Monetary System
Erkan Demirbas, Nurettin Can Impact of Reserve Option Mechanism on Exchange Rate Volatility during the FED's Tapering Period
Damilola Oyetade, Adefemi A. Obalade, Paul-Francois Muzindutsi Changes in Basel Capital Requirements and Lending Ability of African Commercial Banks
Vítor Manuel Morais Pereira, José António Candeias Bonito Filipe Board Members’ Educational Background and Financial Performance: Evidence from Eurozone Banks
Eyas Gaffar A. Osman, May AlowiBook Review „Central Banking in Turbulent Times“, Oxford University Press, 2018 by Francesco Papadia and Tuomas Välimäki
Gabriel A. Ogunmola, Fengsheng Chien, Ka Yin Chau, Li LiThe Influence of Capital Requirement of Basel III Adoption on Banks’ Operating Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Banks
Milena Vučinić, Radoica LuburićFintech, Risk-Based Thinking and Cyber Risk
Anas Alaoui Mdaghri, Lahsen OubdiBank-Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants of Bank Liquidity Creation: Evidence from MENA Countries
Nikola Fabris, Milena LazićEvaluating the Role of the Exchange Rate in Monetary Policy Reaction Function of Advanced and Emerging Market Economies
Mehmet Levent Erdas, Zeynep EzanogluHow Do Bank-Specific Factors Impact Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from G20 Countries
Darell Edmond, Vijay Prakash, Lalit Garg, Seema BawaAdoption of Cloud Services in Central Banks: Hindering Factors and the Recommendations for Way Forward
Diptes C. P. Bhimjee
Adaptive Early Warning Systems: An Axiomatic Approach
Karen Poghosyan, Ruben PoghosyanAn Application of Index Number Theory to Interest Rates: Evidence from Selected Post-Soviet Countries
Mikhail V. ZharikovThe Model of a Shared Interest Rate for a Group of Countries to Circulate a Digital Currency: Featuring the BRICS
Vyacheslav DodonovGold as a Factor of Change in Central Bank Reserves in Periods of the Financial Markets Turbulence: the Case of Kazakhstan
Zoran Grubišić, Sandra Kamenković, Tijana KaličaninMarket Power and Bank Profitability: Evidence from Montenegro and Serbia
Szilárd ErhartReady or not? Constructing the Monetary Union Readiness Index
Borivoje D. KruškovićCentral Bank Intervention in the Inflation Targeting
Elena Deryugina, Maria Guseva, Alexey PonomarenkoThe Credit Cycle and Measurement of the Natural Rate of Interest
Emna TrabelsiMacroprudential Transparency and Price Stability in Emerging and Developing Countries
Mihovil Anđelinović, Mihaela Milec, Ksenija DumičićAnalysis of the Assets, Credits and Deposits Concentration within the Croatian Banking System based on Selected Concentration Indices
Viktar Dudzich
Determinants of De Jure – De Facto Exchange Rate Regime Gaps
Tafirei MashambaLiquidity Dynamics of Banks in Emerging Market Economies
Saif Ullah, Sayed Irshad Hussain, Agha Amad Nabi, Khurram Ali MubashirRole of Regulatory Governance in Financial Stability: A Comparison of High and Low Income Countries
Silvo Dajčman, Alenka Kavkler, Sergey Merzlyakov, Sergey E. Pekarski, Dejan RomihInternational Transmission of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy and Financial Stress Shocks from the Euro Area to Russia
Amila Žunić, Kemal Kozarić, Emina Žunić DželihodžićNon-Performing Loan Determinants and Impact of COVID-19: Case of Bosnia and HerzegovinaGuillaume ValletGreat Power, Great Responsibility: Addressing the Underestimated Issue of Central Bank’s Social Responsibility
Nenad Milojević, Srdjan RedzepagicProspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Application in Banking Risk Management
Daniela BobevaNominal, Structural and Real Convergence of the EU Candidate Countries’ Economies
Mahdi Yazdani, Mohammad NikzadOutput Losses from Currency Crises and the Role of Central Bank
Łukasz KurowskiFinancial cycle − A critical analysis of the methodology for its identification
Mehmed Ganić, Mahir HrnjićHow Does International Financial Integration Really Affect Post-Transition Countries' Growth? Empirical evidence from the CEE-10 countries
Ibrahim A. Onour, Bruno S. SergiThe impact of a political shock on foreign exchange markets in a small and open economy: A dynamic modelling approach
Erdogan Kaygin, Yunus Zengin, Ethem Topcuoglu, Serdal OzkesThe Evaluation of Block Chain Technology within the Scope of Ripple and Banking Activities
Vojtěch Siuda, Milan SzaboMeasuring Sovereign Credit Risk of the EU countries
Konstantinos Drakos, Ioannis MalandrakisGlobal Versus Non-Global Banks: A Capital Ratios-Based AnalysisNikola Milović, Mijat Jocović, Nikola MartinovićAnalysis of the Impact of Macroeconomic Stability on the Level of Global Competitiveness of Western Balkan Countries
Vesna Karadžić, Nikola ĐalovićProfitability Determinants of Big European Banks
Martin N. Pazardjiev, Aleksandar Z. VasilevSpecificities of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism within the Bulgarian Currency Board Framework: The first five years
Nina Vujanović, Nikola FabrisDoes market competition affect all banks equally? Empirical evidence on Montenegro
Faisal Abbas, Zahid Irshad YounasHow Do Bank Capital and Capital Buffer Affect Risk: Empirical Evidence from Large US Commercial Banks
Enkhzaya DemidHeterogeneity in the Relationship Between NPLs and Real Economy: Evidence from the Mongolian Banking System
Samer A.M. AL-RjoubA financial Stability Index for Jordan
Carlos Castro-Iragorri, Juan Felipe Peña, Cristhian RodríguezA Segmented and Observable Yield Curve for Colombia
Alexander Ehimare Omankhanlen, Noah Ilori, Areghan Isibor, Lawrence Uchenna OkoyeMonetary Policies and the Achievement of Bank Profit Objective
Bryane Michael, Svitlana OsaulenkoTOWARD A NEW COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW OF CENTRAL BANK LEGISLATION: Designing Legislative Mandates for Central Bank Private Securities Assets Purchases and Nominal GDP TargetingDimitrios AnastasiouMacroeconomic determinants of MIR interest rate margin in the euro area
Radoica LuburićCrisis Prevention and the Coronavirus Pandemic as a Global and Total Risk of Our Time
Zoran Grubišić, Sandra Kamenković, Tijana KaličaninComparative Analysis of the Banking Sector Competitiveness in Serbia and Montenegro
Aslı GülerDoes Monetary Policy Credibility Help in Anchoring Inflation Expectations? Evidence from Six Inflation Targeting Emerging Economies
Václav Brož, Lukáš PfeiferAre risk weights of banks in the Czech Republic procyclical? Evidence from wavelet analysis
Joel Hinaunye Eita, Victoria Manuel, Erwin Naimhwaka, Florette NakuseraThe Impact of Fiscal Deficit on Inflation in Namibia
Veton Zeqiraj, Flamur Mrasori, Omer Iskenderoglu, Kazi SohagDynamic Impact of Banking Performance on Financial Stability: Fresh Evidence from Southeastern Europe
Amina Malik, Haroon Aziz, Buerhan Saiti, Shahab Ud DinThe Impact of Earnings variability and Regulatory Measures on Income Smoothing: Evidence from Panel RegressionOlatunji Abdul Shobande, Oladimeji Tomiwa ShodipeMonetary Policy Interdependency in Fisher Effect: A Comparative Evidence
Guillermo PeñaMonetary Policy after the Great ModerationNikola FabrisFinancial Stability and Climate Change
Carolin SchellhornFinancial System Stability, the Timing of Climate Change Action and the Federal Reserve
Milutin Ješić and Miomir JakšićThe Impact of Institutional Features on R&D in Business Enterprise Sector and Sustainable Growth
Ismet Gocer and Serdar OnganThe Relationship between Inflation and Interest Rates in the UK: The Nonlinear ARDL Approach
Anastasiadis Panagiotis, Katsaros Efthymios, Koutsioukis Anastasios-Taxiarchis and Pandazis AthanasiosGARCH Modelling of High-Capitalization Cryptocurrencies’ Impacts During Bearish Markets
Roberto Ercegovac, Mario Pečarić and Ivica KlinacBank Risk Profiles and Business Model Characteristics
Atsushi TanakaMonetary Base Controllability after an Exit from Quantitative Easing
Lixin SunOn the People’s Bank of China’s Financial Strength and Policy OutcomesP Jithin and Babu M SureshTesting for the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting in India: A Factor Augmented Vector Autoregression (FAVAR) Approach
Paresh Kumar NarayanEditorial: The 13th BMEB International Conference Special Issue of Journal of Central Banking, Theory and Practice
Shikha Singh and Mandira SarmaFinancial Structure and Stability: An Empirical ExplorationBayront Yudit Rumondor and Pakasa BaryCapital Flows and Bank Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence From IndonesiaTai-Hock Kuek, Chin-Hong Puah and M. Affendy AripFinancial Vulnerability and Economic Dynamics in MalaysiaBijoy Rakshit and Samaresh BardhanDoes Bank Competition Enhance or Hinder Financial Stability? Evidence from Indian Banking
Rani Wijayanti and Sagita RachmaniraEarly Warning System for Government Debt Crisis in Developing Countries
Dat Thanh Nguyen and Viet Anh HoangMonetary Consequences of Fiscal Stress in a Game Theoretic Framework
Aditya Anta Taruna, Cicilia Anggadewi Harun and Raquela Renanda NattanMacroprudential Liquidity Stress Test: An Application to Indonesian Banks
Teck-Lee Wong, Wee-Yeap Lau and Tien-Ming YipCashless Payments and Economic Growth: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries
Berry A. Harahap, Pakasa Bary and Anggita Cinditya M. KusumaThe Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle
Zulquar Nain and Bandi KamaiahUncertainty and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: A Bayesian Markov Switching-VAR Analysis
Muhammad Tahir, Haslindar Ibrahim, Abdul Hadi Zulkafli and Muhammad MushtaqInfluence of Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Credit Supply on Dividend Repatriation Policy of U.S. Multinational CorporationsNur Annisa Hasniawati, Eva R. Lase and Akhis R. HutabaratIndonesian Household Payment Choice: A Nested Logit Analysis
Kemal Kozarić and Emina Žunić DželihodžićEffects of Macroeconomic Environment on Non-Performing Loans and Financial Stability: Case of Bosnia and HerzegovinaHaryo KuncoroInterest Rate Policy and Exchange Rates Volatility Lessons from IndonesiaMilena VučinićFintech and Financial Stability Potential Influence of FinTech on Financial Stability, Risks and BenefitsBorivoje KruškovićExchange Rate Targeting Versus Inflation Targeting: Empirical Analysis of the Impact on Employment and Economic Growth
Bikramaditya Ghosh and Krishna MCEconophysical bourse volatility – Global Evidence
Marcelo Álvez, Rodrigo Lluberas and Jorge PonceThe Cost of Using Cash and Checks in Uruguay
Muhammad Nadim Hanif, Javaid Iqbal, Syed Hamza Ali and Muhammad Abdus SalamDenoised Inflation: A New Measure of Core Inflation
Samsul AnwarWeighting on Systemic Important Banking (SIB) in Indonesia: The Official Versus PCA Approaches
Adel M. SareaWeb-based Financial Reporting Disclosure: Evidence from Selected Banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Miora Rakotonirainy, Jean Razafindravonona and Christian RasolomananaMacro Stress Testing Credit Risk: Case of Madagascar Banking Sector
Jonathan E. LeightnerEstimates of the Inflation versus Unemployment Tradeoff that are not Model DependentArampatzis Marios, Daskalou Kalliopi, Papaioannou Evangelia and Prassa ParaskeviPerformance Evaluation of Global High-rated ETFs During the Taper TantrumBranko Živanović, Katarina Đulić and Ana JolovićFinancial Borrowing by Local State-Owned Enterprises in Serbia: An Assessment of National PracticeVesna MartinDevelopment of Inflation Expectations in Serbia and a Comparative Analysis
Ali Awdeh, Zouhour Jomaa and Mohamad KassemThe Effect of Bank Heterogeneity on the Interest Rate Channel in Lebanon
Željka AsanovićEssay on Finance-Growth Nexus
Imam Mukhlis, Isnawati Hidayah and Nora Ria RetnasihInterest Rate Volatility of the Federal Funds Rate: Response of the Bank Indonesia and its Impact on the Indonesian Economic Stability
Nana Kwame Akosah, Paul Alagidede and Eric SchalingInterest Rate and Exchange Rate Volatility Spillovers: Multiscale Perspective of Monetary Policy Transmission in Ghana
Ivana Vukčević and Radislav JovovićQuality of Public Finance in the Countries of South-East Europe
Elhadj Ezzahid and Brahim MaouhoubCapital Account Liberalization in Morocco: Is it Compatible with Fixed or Flexible Exchange Rate Regime?
Nikolaos A. Kyriazis and Emmanouil M. L. EconomouBrexit and new perspectives of an unconventional way of Eurozone revivalSnežana Radukić and Vesna VučetićComparative Analysis of State Aid and Competitiveness of the Republic of Serbia and the Neighbouring CountriesWilson Donzwa, Rangan Gupta and Mark E. WoharVolatility Spillovers between Interest Rates and Equity Markets of Developed EconomiesGualter Couto, Pedro Pimentel and Luís TosteFinancial Products in Portugal
Gani Ramadani and Predrag PandiloskiDisinflationary Spillovers from The Euro Area into the Countries of Southeastern Europe
Yilmaz BayarMacroeconomic, Institutional and Bank-Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Emerging Market Economies: A Dynamic Panel Regression Analysis
Mario Krali and Andrey GurovAnalysis of Granularity Adjustment for Regulatory Capital
Marko Tomljanović, Zoran Grubišić and Sandra KamenkovićDeindustrialization and Implementation of Industry 4.0 - Case of The Republic of Croatia
Fatmira Kola, Arsena Gjipali and Erjon SulaCommercial Bank Performance and Credit Risk in Albania
Khalil Ullah Mohammad and Shin-Ichi NishiyamaAn Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Explicit Deposit Insurance and Design on the Liability Structure of Banks
Jonne O. Lehtimäki and Marianne PalmuCentral Bank Communication and Monetary Policy Predictability under Uncertain Economic Conditions
Radoica LuburićA Model of Crisis Prevention (Based on managing change, quality management and risk management)
Kristin Berthold and Georg StadtmannThe Swiss National Bank’s fear of float
Giscard Assoumou-EllaForecasting CEMAC’s foreign exchange reserves in presence of unanticipated changes in oil prices: an interrupted time series modelling
Reza Tahmoorespour, Mohamed Ariff and Alireza ZareiImpact of Sovereign Debt Credit Rating Revision on Banking Industry: Evidence from G7 Countries
Tafirei Mashamba and Rabson MagwevaBasel III LCR Requirement and Banks’ Deposit Funding: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Markets
Lukáš Pfeifer and Zdeněk PikhartLeverage Ratio and its Potential For Enhancing the Effectiveness of Capital Regulation
Ali AwdehMonetary Policy and Economic Growth in Lebanon
Dinh Tran Ngoc HuyUsing External Financing in a One Factor Model Measuring the Volatility of Market Risk of Vietnam's Banking Industry During and After the Global Crisis
M. Nur Rianto Al Arif and Tara Bilqis AwwaliyahMarket Share, Concentration Ratio and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry
Aleksandra Praščević and Milutin JešićModeling Macroeconomic Policymakers’ Interactions under Zero Lower Bound Environment: The New Keynesian Theoretical Approach
Purnendu Kumar, S. Sujeesh Kumar and Archana DilipEffectivness of the Adoption of the XBRL Standard in the Indian Banking Sector
Nikola FabrisCashless Society – The Future of Money or a Utopia?
M. Fouad Jasmine, E. Fayed Mona and A. Emam Heba TallaA New Insight into the Measurement of Central Bank Independence
Mirna DumičićLinkages Between Fiscal Policy and Financial (In)Stability
Taufeeq AjazNonlinear Reaction functions: Evidence from India
Fakarudin Kamarudin, Fadzlan Sufian, Annuar Md. Nassir, Nazratul Aina Mohamad Anwar and Hafezali Iqbal HussainBank Efficiency in Malaysia a DEA Approach
Lyudmyla Malyarets, Oleksandr Dorokhov, Vitaliya Koybichuk and Liudmyla DorokhovaObtaining a Generalized Index of Bank Competitiveness Using a Fuzzy Approach
Danica Unevska Andonova and Magdalena PetrovskaDisaggregating Okun’s Law: A Case-Study for Macedonia
Andrija ĐurovićMacroeconomic Approach to Point in Time Probability of Default Modeling – IFRS 9 Challenges
Mustafa Özer, Jovana Žugić and Sonja Tomaš-Miskin The Relationship between Current Account Deficits and Growth in Montenegro: ARDL Bounds Testing Approach
Milivoje Radovic, Milena Radonjic and Jovan Djuraskovic Central Bank Independence – The Case of the Central Bank of Montenegro
Mile Bošnjak Swiss Franc from the Croatian Perspective
Joerg Orgeldinger The Implementation of Basel Committee BCBS 239: Short analysis of the new rules for Data Management
Umit Bulut Inflation Expectations in Turkey: Determinants and Roles in Missing Inflation Targets
Abdelkader AguirCentral Bank Credibility, Independence, and Monetary Policy
Laxmi Koju, Ram Koju and Shouyang Wang Macroeconomic and Bank-Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from Nepalese Banking System
Zoran Todorović Application of Ethics in the Accounting Profession with an Overview of the Banking Sector
Turguttopbas Neslihan Topbaş Are Capital Ratios Procyclical? Evidence from Turkish Banking Data
Ritesh PatelPre & Post-Merger Financial Performance: An Indian Perspective
Nikola FabrisChallenges for Modern Monetary Policy
Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska, Ana Mitreska and Sultanija Bojcheva-TerzijanThe Impact of the ECB’s Quantitative Easing Policy on Capital Flows in the Cesee Region
Jovan Djuraskovic, Milivoje Radovic and Milena Radonjic KonatarThe Controversies of Modern Macroeconomic Theory in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis
Sergey Ivashchenko and Rangan GuptaForecasting using a Nonlinear DSGE Model
Marko Tomljanović, Zoran Grubišić and Ivona HuđekProcess of Deindustrialization in Montenegro
Enock Nyorekwa Twinoburyo and Nicholas M. OdhiamboMonetary Policy and Economic Growth: A Review of International Literature
Liudmyla Malyaretz, Oleksandr Dorokhov and Liudmyla DorokhovaMethod of Constructing the Fuzzy Regression Model of Bank Competitiveness
Željka AsanovićAn Analysis of the Determinants of Systemic Banking Crises in Southeast European Countries
Aneta KrstevskaReal Convergence of Western Balkan Countries to European Union in view of Macroeconomic Policy Mix
Tayfur Bayat, Selim Kayhan and İzzet TaşarRe-Visiting Fisher Effect for Fragile Five Economies
Miomir Jakšić, Milica JakšićInclusive Institutions for Sustainable Economic Development
Milijana Novović Burić, Vladimir Kašćelan, Milivoje Radović, Ana Lalević FilipovićMechanisms of Protection from Interest Rate Risk with Reference to the Life Insurance Market in Montenegro
Kristin Berthold, Georg StadtmannWho put the Holes in the Swiss Cheese? Currency Crisis Under Appreciation Pressure
Milenko Popović Technological Progress, Globalization, and Secular Stagnation
Brian Muyambiri, Prof NM OdhiamboSouth Africa’s Financial Development and its Role in Investment
Mirna Dumičić, Igor LjubajDelayed Credit Recovery in Croatia: Supply or Demand Driven?
Tamara Bašić VasiljevEstimated DSGE Model for Monetary and Fiscal Polic Coordination Analysis – The Case of Serbia
Umurcan PolatDivisia and Simple Sum Monetary Aggregates: Any Empirical Relevance for Turkey?
Mohammad Abdolshah, Seyed Amir Mohammad Khatibi, Mostafa MoghimiFactors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Banking Sector Employees
Νikolaos A. KyriazisEurozone Debt Monetization and Helicopter Money Drops: How Viable can this be?
Radoica Luburić, Nikola FabrisMoney and the Quality of Life
Anita Angelovska BezhoskaCentral Bank Independence - the Case of the National Bank of Republic of Macedonia
Gerti ShijakuDoes Concentration Matter for Bank Stability?Evidence from the Albanian Banking Sector
Muhammad Ali Nasir, Milton Yagob, Alaa Solimanc,Junjie WudInstitutional Design, Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Implications for the Financial Sector in the UK
Atiq-ur-Rehman Revival of Legacy of Tooke and Gibson:Further Evidence and Implications for Monetary Policy
Igbinosa, S., Sunday Ogbeide, Babatunde AkanjiEmpirical Assessment on Financial Regulations and Banking Sector Performance
Željka AsanovićPredicting Systemic Banking Crises Using Early Warning Models: The Case of Montenegro
Vladan Martić, Ana Lalević-Filipović, Milivoje RadovićXBRL Implementation in the Banking Sector in Montenegro
Nikola Fabris, Nina VujanovićThe Impact of Financial Dollarization on Inflation Targeting: Empirical Evidence from Serbia
Neslihan TurguttopbasPerspectives on Monetary Policy and Cost of Capital: Evidence from Turkey
Milorad Jovović, Bojana Femić-Radosavović , Milena Lipovina-BožovićComparative Analysis of Results of Online and Offline Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty Surveys in Banking Services in Montenegro
Jakub JaklImpact of Quantitative Easing on Purchased Asset Yields, its Persistency and Overlap
Marijana Mitrović-Mijatović, Maja Ivanović Inflation in a Fully-Euroised Economy: Could Inflation Differentials Threaten Competitiveness?
Aisyah Abdul-Rahman, Noor Latifah Hanim Mohd Said, Ahmad Azam SulaimanFinancing Structure and Liquidity Risk: Lesson from Malaysian Experience
Andrija ĐurovićEstimating Probability of Default on Peer to Peer Market – Survival Analysis Approach
Νikolaos A. Kyriazis, Emmanouil M.L. EconomouThe Relation of Brexit with the UK’s QE Decisions and its Impact on the Eurozone
Bojana Femić-Radosavović, Milorad JovovićLoyalty, Investment Model and New Media -A Correlation Study in Banking Services in Montenegro
Radoica LuburićStrengthening the Three Lines of Defence in Terms of More Efficient Operational Risk Management in Central Banks
Borivoje D. KruškovićExchange Rate and Interest Rate in the Monetary Policy Reaction Function
Mirna DumičićA Brief Introduction to the World of Macroprudential Policy
Ombir Singh, Sanjeev Bansal An Analysis of Revenue Maximising Efficiency of Public Sector Banks in the Post-Reforms Period
Zeljko RutovicThe Financial-Economic Aspect of the Media and the Public Service in the Globalization Era (Budget and Ownership Framework)
Olivera Živković, Predrag BjelićAn Analysis of International Trade of Montenegro Using Statistics on the Operations of Transnational Corporations’ Affiliates
Milutin JešićBOOK REVIEW: „Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle: An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework and its Applications“, Princeton University Press, Second Edition, 2015, by Jordi Galí
Indranarain RamlallDoes Central Bank Quality Determine Sovereign Ratings and Credit Default Swap Spreads: Evidence from the World?
Timothy J. HaaseFinancial Constraints and the Response of Business Investment to Monetary Policy Shocks
Kiril Postolov, Ivan Milenkovic, Dragana Milenkovic, Aleksandra Janeska IlievInfluence of Market Values of Enterprise on Objectivity of the Altman Z-Model in the Period 2006-2012: Case of the Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia
Magdalena Petrovska, Aneta Krstevska, Nikola NaumovskiForecasting Macedonian Business Cycle Turning Points Using Qual Var Model
Milena VučinićImportance of Macroprudential Policy Implementation for Safeguarding Financial Stability
Radislav Jovovic, Elvis Lekic, Miroslav JovovicMonitoring the Quality of Services in Electronic Banking
Srđa BožovićAffirmation of the Legal Status of Taxpayers in Montenegro
Marko Tomljanović, Zoran GrubišićInvestment in Research and Development - A Factor of Adjustment of Montenegro to the EU Economy
Ahmad-Reza Jalali Naini, Mohammad-Amin NaderianOver-reaction to Policy Signals, and Central Bank Optimal Communication Policy
Dawit SenbetMeasuring the Channels of Monetary Policy Transmission: A Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (Favar) Approach
Slobodan Lakić, Damir Šehović, Mimo DraškovićRelevance of Low Inflation in the Southeastern European Countries
Nikola Fabris, Radoica LuburićFinancial Education of Children and Youth
Karen PoghosyanA Comparison of Different Short-Term Macroeconomic Forecasting Models: Evidence from Armenia
Maja IvanovićDeterminants of Credit Growth: The Case of Montenegro
Ivаn Rаоnić, Zоrаn Vаsić, Igor Pejović Cross Check of the Tax Base in Serbia – Informative Tax Return Sample
Željko JovićThe Interaction Between FX and Credit Risk as an Example of Intersection of Monetary and Financial Stability Policy Goals – The Case of Serbia
Elona DushkuSome Empirical Evidence of Loan Loss Provisions for Albanian Banks
Miomir JakšićRole of Regulatory Bodies in the Banking and Energy Sectors
Cécile Bastidon, Philippe Gilles, Nicolas HuchetThe ECB, Between Conservatism and Pragmatism
Muhammad Ali Nasir, Alaa M. Soliman, Milton Yago, Junjie WuMacroeconomic Policies Interaction & the Symmetry of Financial Markets’ Responses
Velimir LukićIntegration of Government Bond Market in the Euro Area and Monetary Policy
Umit BulutHow Far Ahead Does the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Look?
Mirna Dumičić Financial Stability Indicators – The Case of Croatia
Mico Apostolov, Dusko JosevskiAggregate Demand–Inflation Adjustment Model Applied to Southeast European Economies
Karel Brůna, Naďa BlahováSystemic Liquidity Shocks and Banking Sector Liquidity Characteristics on the Eve of Liquidity Coverage Ratio Application - The Case of the Czech Republic
Zorica KalezićOwnership Concentration and Firm Performance in Transition Economies: Evidence from Montenegro
Bojan Dimitrijević, Ivan LovreThe Role of Temperature in Economic Exchange - An Empirical Analysis
Radoica LuburićQuality Management Principles and Benefits of their Implementation in Central Banks
Nikola Fabris, Jelena GalićEssay on Saving and Consumption
Borivoje D. Krušković, Tina MaričićMonetary Targeting
Vesna MartinMonetary Policy Analysis in Serbia
Gurkan I. Akalin, Edmund L. PraterThe Global Crisis of the Late 2000s and Currency Substitution: A Study of Three Eastern European Economies Russia, Turkey and Ukraine
Snežana Radukić, Milan Marković, Milica RadovićThe Effect of Food Prices on Inflation in the Republic of Serbia
Atiq-ur-RehmanRevival of Legacy of Tooke and Gibson: Implications for Monetary Policy
Jelena FabrisInflation Targeting in Serbia
Fazal HaleemPlanning Change in an Organization; MCB Bank Limited, Pakistan
Nikola Fabris The History of Money in Montenegro
Damir ŠehovićAnalysis of Fiscal Rules in the European Monetary Union
Aneta KrstevskaMonetary Policy Objectives During the Crisis:An Overview of Selected Southeast European Countries
Svetozar Tanasković, Maja JandrićMacroeconomic and Institutional Determinants ofNon-performing Loans
Milena VučinićFinancial Stability – Comparative Analysis:Montenegro, Serbia and the Netherlands
Snežana Radukić, Milica Radović Long Term Trend Analysis in the Capital Market – The Case of Serbia
Ana VlahovićChallenges to the Implementation of a New Framework for Safeguarding Financial Stability
Shkendije HimajCorporate Governance in Banks and its Impact on Risk and Performance: Review of Literature on the Selected Governance Mechanisms
Borivoje D. Krušković, Tina MaričićEmpirical Analysis of the Impact of Inflation Targeting on the Risk Premium
Ristan StijepovićRecovery and Reduction of Non-Performing Loans – Podgorica Approach
Igor PejovićBook review “The Art of Money Management” by Radoica Luburić and Nikola Fabris
Velibor Milošević Use and Limitations of the Reserve Requirement Policy in Montenegro
Lidija Barjaktarović, Maja Dimić, Dejan JečmenicaAssesment of the Interest Rates in the Serbian Banking Sector
Valentina IvanovićFinancial Independence of Central Bank through the Balance Sheet Prism
Nenad MilojevićOptimal Banking and Other Financial Business for the Economic Growth of Serbia
Sanja VukovićStress Testing of the Montenegrin Banking System with Aggregated and Bank-Specific Data
Ichak Kalderon Adizes Change and Its Repercussions for the Banking Industry
Milojica DakićGlobal Financial Crisis – Policy Response
Radoje Žugić, Nikola FabrisFramework for Preserving Financial Stability in Montenegro
Atiq-ur-RehmanRelationship Between Energy Prices, Monetary Policy and Inflation; A Case Study of South Asian Economies
Radoica LuburićTotal Quality Management as a Paradigm of Business Success
Ivo ŽupanovićSustainable Risk Management in the Banking Sector
Igor PejovićA Comparative Analysis of the Price Index in Transition Countries in the Time of Globalisation
Damir ŠehovićGeneral Aspects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coordination
Jelena Stanković, Vesna Janković-Milić,Snežana RadukićQuantitative Analysis of Business Success Indicators in the Banking Sector of the Republic of Serbia
Valentina IvanovićThe Key Characteristics of Financial Reporting in the European System of Central Banks
Novak Kondić, Borivoje D. KruškovićUnemployment Gap in the Currency Board Regime
Magdalena Petrovska, Elena Mucheva MihajlovskaMeasures of Financial Stability in Macedonia
Milutin JešićImplications of Fiscal Irresponsibility on Financial Stability
Yasin Akçelik, Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Arif OduncuCentral Banking in Making during the Post-Crisis World and the Policy-Mix of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Željko Bogetić, Igor Pejović ,Israel Osorio-RoddarteExpanding and Diversifying Montenegro’s Exports: A Product Space Analysis
Radoica LuburićChallenges in Change Management in Central Banks
Marijana Mitrović MijatovićFinancial Stability in Open Markets Economy: Holistic Approach in Economic Policy
Snezana Popovčić-Avrić, Vule Mizdraković, Marina ĐenićAnalysis of Financial Structure of the Serbian Banking Sector: Impact of the Financial Crisis
Lidija Barjaktarović, Maja Paunović, Dejan JečmenicaDevelopment of the Banking Sector in CEE Countries – Comparative Analysis
Radoje ŽugićCrisis management and the banking system in Montenegro
Željko Bogetić et alRecent Developments, Outlook, and Policy Agenda in Western Balkans
Alexey V. UlyukaevNew Monetary Policy Challenges
Daniela BobevaThe new EU Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure and its Relevance for the Candidate Countries
Michael Turner & Alistair BrownThe Performance of Melanesian Central Banks
Bojan Dimitrijević, Ivan LovreEssay on Monetary Policy and Economic Growth
Ivan Milenković, Milivoje DavidovićDeterminants of Currency Substitution/Dollarization - The Case of the Republic of Serbia
Nikola Fabris, Gojko RodićThe Efficiency of the Currency Board Arrangement
Radoica LuburićBook review FOOD FOR THOUGHT by Ichak Kalderon Adizes
Kemal Hajdarevic, Kemal Kozaric, Jasmin HadzigrahicArchitecture and infrastructure for governing information security in central banks
Zorica KalezićCorporate governance and firm performance with special reference to the banking system: empirical evidence from Monetengro
Aneta Krstevska and Magdalena PetrovskaThe economic impacts of the foreign direct investments: panel estimation by sectors on the case of Macedonian economy
Marina Djenic, Snezana Popovcic-Avric, Lidija BarjaktarovicImportance of forward contracts in the financial crisis
Milan GylánikEquilibrium real effective exchange rate estimation for the Slovak economy
Radoica LuburićBook review MONETARY AND CREDIT POLICY by Kemal Kozarić and Nikola Fabris
Kemal Kozarić, Nikola FabrisMonetary policy at crisis times
Petraq MiloThe impact of the budget deficit on the currency and inflation in the transition economies
Jelena GalicDoes the currency board regime provide an exit strategy: example of the transition economy in the process of EU/EMU accession
Novak Kondić , Borivoje D. KruškovićTransparency analysis in the function of central bank objective
Zoran Grubisic, Perisa IvanovicInfluence of different monetary regimes on financial stability in see countries
Emilia Penkova-PearsonTrade, convergence and exchange rate regime: evidence from Bulgaria and Romania