
The Central Bank is managed by the Governor

In exercising his management role, the Governor:

  • represents and acts on behalf of the Central Bank;
  • organises the work of the Central Bank;
  • takes care of the implementation of the Central Bank's policy and the Council's decisions;
  • issues instructions for the uniform application of regulations adopted by the Council;
  • reports to the Council on macroeconomic developments and monetary, fiscal, financial and balance of payments analyses and may propose recommendations for economic policy,
  • makes decisions and other regulations in the procedure of supervising credit institutions, payment institutions, electronic money institutions and payment systems, as well as in the process of supervising the performance of financial leasing, factoring, purchase of receivables, microcredit and credit-guarantee operations and other decisions and regulations under the Central Bank competence not adopted by the Council;
  • passes general acts related to the internal operations of the Central Bank and
  • decides on other issues for which it is authorized by the law and the Statute of the Central Bank. 

Pursuant to the Law on the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Governor may delegate certain tasks within his competence to the Vice-Governors

In accordance with Article 28 of the Statute of the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Governor and Vice-Governors comprise the Collegium of the Governor.

The Collegium of the Governor meets at least once a month.

The issues of importance for the smooth functioning of the CBCG are discussed at the Collegium of the Governor meetings. This includes the following activities:

  1. Consideration of issues related to the organization and operation of the Central Bank of Montenegro and methods to improve its work;
  2. Planning the convening of the Central Bank Council meetings and reviewing the proposed agenda for those meetings;
  3. Ensuring functional interconnection between the organizational units of the Central Bank of Montenegro and maintaining and enhancing their mutual coordination and cooperation;
  4. Discussing matters related to ensuring full engagement of employees and maximizing the use of their professional knowledge and work capabilities, as well as the rational use of the Central Bank's resources and equipment;
  5. Considering other issues of importance for the functioning and coordination of the Central Bank's work.

Other employees of the CBCG may also attend the Collegium of the Governor meetings upon invitation.