Balance of Payments

The balance of payments of Montenegro is a statistical statement that systematically summarises transactions between residents and non-residents during a specific period. Pursuant to the Law on the Central Bank of Montenegro (OGM 40/10, 6/13, 70/17, 125/23), the Law on Official Statistics and Statistical System (OGM 18/12, 047/19) and the Law on Foreign Current and Capital Operations (OGRM 45/05, and OGM 62/08, 40/11, 62/13, 70/17), the CBCG collects and compiles data showing the balance of payments of Montenegro. Pursuant to the aforementioned laws and the Decision on statistical data to be submitted to the Central Bank of Montenegro for the purpose of compiling the balance of payments of Montenegro (OGM 61/12, 24/18) and the Decision on keeping separate records of foreign current and capital transactions and their reporting to the Central Bank of Montenegro (OGM 8/17, 18/19), the CBCG collects and compiles data required for the balance of payments statistics. This data is reported in Euros on a quarterly basis.

The balance of payments of Montenegro is compiled in accordance with the new IMF methodology (IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition, 2009) and EU regulations governing the balance of payments.

NOTE: Since June 2014, balance of payments statistics data from 2010 onwards have been compiled in accordance with the new IMF methodology BPM6. In accordance with the new statistical standards, the standard presentation scheme of the balance of payments has changed, as well as the presentation of the financial account which is shown following the principle of the net acquisition of financial assets and the net incurrence of liabilities. Data prior to 2010 until the revision according to the new methodology will be published according to the IMF methodology (Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition, 1993 (BPM5)).

Balance of Payments of Montenegro in accordance with BPM5 (2005-2009)

Balance of Payments of Montenegro in accordance with BPM6 (2010-2024)

Updated: 05 February 2025