Interest Rates
Pursuant to the Central Bank of Montenegro Law (OGM 40/10, 6/13, 70/17, 125/23), the Law on Credit Institutions (OGM 72/19, 82/20, 8/21), the Law on Financial Leasing, Factoring, the Purchase of Receivables, Micro-lending, and Credit-Guarantee Operations (OGM 73/17, 44/20), the Decision on Reporting to the Central Bank of Montenegro (OGM 128/20), and the Decision on the Credit Registry (OGM 39/18, 18/19), the CBCG is obliged to compile and monitor the interest rate statistics of banks and micro-credit financial institutions.
Interest rates of banks
Interest rate statistics of banks includes weighted average lending interest rates (nominal and effective) by industries, purpose, and maturity - outstanding amounts and new loans, the volume of new loans statistics, and weighted average deposit interest rates statistics.
Updated: 22 August 2024
Interest rates of MFIs
Interest rates statistics of microcredit financial institutions include weighted average lending interest rates (nominal and effective) by industries, purpose and maturity - outstanding amounts and new loans, and the volume of new loans statistics.
Updated: 22 August 2024