Commemorative Montenegrin Coins Issued on the Occasion of Celebrating the First Anniversary of the CBCG establishment (2002)

On the occasion of celebrating the first anniversary of its establishment, the Central Bank of Montenegro issued commemorative Montenegrin coins which bear the mark of the year 2002 and represents a replica of the original money of the Principality of Montenegro and the Kingdom of Montenegro.

The collections of commemorative Montenegrin coins is established in accordance with the Decision on Formation of Special Purpose Montenegrin Coinage Collections (OGM 45/02).


Collection of 3 gold coins – €2,615.00
Collection (gold coin of 20 perpers and silver coin of 2 perpers) - €479.00
Collection (gold coin of 10 perpers and silver coin of 1 perpers) - €264.00
Gold coin of 100 perpers - €1,987.00
Gold coin of 20 perpers - €419.00
Gold coins of 10 perpers - €223.00
Collection of 3 silver coins - €153.00
Collection of 3 silver coins and 4 alloys - €163.00
Silver coins of 5 perpers - €102.00
Silver coins of 2 perpers - €51.00
Silver coins of 1 perpers - €32.00
Collection of 8 alloys (1, 2, 10, 20 paras) - €6.00