International Monetary Fund

Montenegro became 185th member of the IMF on 18 January 2007. Montenegro’s quota in the IMF is SDR 60.5 million. Montenegro’s voting power amounts to 0.04% of the Fund’s total voting power.

The CBCG is the representative of Montenegro in the International Monetary Fund, where it takes on the role of the country’s fiscal agent and depositary in the IMF and it is authorised to perform any operations and transactions envisaged in the provisions of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement (this role is regulated by the Law on Membership of the Republic of Montenegro in the International Monetary Fund and other International Financial Institutions).

Montenegro is a member of the Belgium–Dutch Constituency, which represents our country’s interests together with those of Andorra, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and the Ukraine.

More on Montenegro’s IMF membership and cooperation at: